Volunteer Educator Application

Volunteer Educators support the Brain Center’s Community Program.  Educators provide input on an array of brain health topics that highlight the key habits and protective measures that promote healthy aging and help maintain good cognitive health.  Educators may also have a desire to help deliver presentations in a formal setting.  Presentations are provided to a variety of groups including employers, schools, civic groups, churches, and other non-profit agencies. 

The Brain Center has become a trusted local leader in brain health and resources. Volunteer educators help to “research the research” and discuss the latest developments in an effort to provide the community with the most accurate and current information. This in-house research aids in the creation of the Center’s annual presentation menu.  


  • Passion for promoting the 6 Pillars of Brain Health

  • Able to talk in front of small and large groups of people

  • Participation in coach/educator gatherings

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Brain Center of Green Bay. The Brain Center serves as a community resource and local “hub” for brain disease and brain conditions. Our work is guided by the C.A.R.E. approach - Collaborate, Advocate, Research, and Educate. 

We offer volunteer opportunities through our Personalized Coaching, Community Education, and General Volunteer.

Once we receive your application, we will be in touch with you to set up a time to meet to discuss your interest in volunteering. If you have further questions, please contact LaReina Tipping, Program Manager, Brain Center of Green Bay 920-393-4080 ext. 102 or lareinatipping@braincentergb.org.